Cynthia Smith
Cynthia Smith, aka Cassie Fox, is a singer/songwriter and artist who began writing poetry and songs at a young age, but it wasn’t until she turned 50 that she recorded her first CD. The untimely death of a friend motivated her to create something memorable for her birthday, and also to inspire others to pursue their creative passions. “I like observing people, places, stories and conversation to find the words or events or message that spark the beginning of a song,” she says. “It can be mundane, magnificent, or mortifying information that inspires me to create songs about what I hear, see and feel. News at Five came from reading a newspaper story about a young woman who had been shot. To Be Invisible was created when a friend asked what power I wished I had.” As an artist, Cynthia works with fabric, paint, hand-painted paper and assorted string, ribbon, and other materials to create intricate and sensual collages, and recycled materials to make hats and dresses. The backgrounds for this website, and covers for The Admissions of Audrey Daye, Tributes and Confessions are from her original works. As a passionate and prolific songwriter, artist and poet, Cynthia records on a regular basis at Bristol Recording Studios in Boston, and has also recorded at Ebacher Studio in Newburyport, MA.
Newest Release: Doorstep of Your Dreams
Previous CD Releases


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